InSAR Imagery
Satellite programs and data
There are several satellite programmes :
- Sentinel-1 is a mission by the European Space Agency’s Copernicus programme.
- TerraSAR-X and PAZ are satellite programs exploited by EADS Astrium’s consortium.
- Cosmo-SkyMed — a SAR satellite program operated by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI).
- Micro satellite private projects such as Capella Space (USA) and Iceye (Finland).
- Other such as ALOS (Japan), Gaofen (China), SAOCOM (Argentina).

Different programs acquire data in different resolutions and have different revisit times.
We differentiate between :
- Low to medium data resolution with the pixel size up to 4x14m;
- High resolution with the pixel size of 3x3m;
- And Very High Resolution with the pixel size of 1x1m.
Revisit times range from 6 days for Sentinel to 1 day for new programs such as Capella Space and Iceye.
Sentinel-1 revisit time is 6 days, TerraSAR-X and PAZ high resolution satellite programs offer 4 plus 7 or 11 days revisit time, while the latest private programs – Capella Space and Iceye will offer daily revisits once they are launched.