Active Corner Reflector
Active Corner Reflector
CTTC – GeoKinesia partner – has developed a highly reliable Active Corner Reflector (ACR), which has been transferred to GeoKinesia for further development and commercialisation.
ACR – is an electronic device, which is designed to receive a signal from satellite radar and transmit it back, enabling highly precise measurement.
The developed ACR has successfully passed field tests and is ready for commercial exploitation.
ACR comes in different form factors and can be powered from grid, by batteries or solar panel.

Active Corner Reflector in the lab
The key advantages of GeoKinesia’s ACR include small sie, robustness, reliability, optimised energy consumption and record low costs. Thanks to the off-the-shelf components, its costs allow using the device on scale not only for the calibration of the satellite data but for the effective monitoring in the areas where the coherence is weak.
The device operates in C-bands and is compatible with all major satellite programs.
The ACR must be installed on an easy to prepare concrete slab in any environment, including jungle or polar areas.
The solution proved to be highly effective for the areas where coherent signal is obstructed or absent due to vegetation, snow or other factors.